Payment Methods

You can pay for your massage chair both before and during delivery. We offer the following payment methods:

Before delivery

Payment for the massage chair can be done by bank transfer, Paypal or through our convenient payment link (Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, American Express). For some specific countries in Europe we have additional payment options.

Payment Methods

During delivery

Payment for the massage chair during delivery takes place by credit card via our POS (Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, American Express), or you can pay us in cash (in Euro). In some countries we work with 3rd party delivery services, in this case payment before delivery will not always be possible.

Payment Methods

In our Showrooms

In addition, in our Komoder owned showrooms you can pay with credit and debit cards (Visa, Mastercard, Maestro). Check if we have a showroom in your country.

Get Expert Advice on Choosing the Perfect Massage Chair!

Our massage chair specialists are here to guide you towards the perfect choice!

Komoder Rotterdam

Dessa Mineva


Phone +31 615 671 997


Komoder Rotterdam

Angelique Vlot


Phone +31 625 493 446
